Sunday, 31 March 2013

'Alexander' finished

8" x 8"
oil on board

Here is 'Alexander' finished. I completed him this afternoon. I've softened the hairline around the temple, redefined the eye on the right and repainted the surrounding area also on the right. There had been a break of two days between painting sessions, the paint surface had dried and consequently proved to be problematic as I was unable to work wet into wet. A solution to this is to lay on more paint in the areas to be worked on, which then allows the painting to be reworked wet into wet in an 'alla prima' manner. Ideally I like to work quickly and complete the piece whilst the paint is still wet, but unfortunately it's not always possible as was the case with 'Alexander'.  

Thursday, 28 March 2013

'Alexander' almost finished

8" x 8"
oil on board

I made good progress  with 'Alexander 'today.  He's almost finished, just some tweaking to do.  He needs a little more work around the hairline and I'm not yet totally convinced about the surrounding area, but on the whole I'm happy with him. It's fascinating the huge amount of subtle colour changes present in the flesh. I seemed to make even more colour mixes for the flesh tones in this portrait and ran out of room on my very large palette! 
I would like to wish you all a Happy Easter weekend and I hope you have a fun and relaxing time, despite our prolonged winter weather!!!

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

'Jo' preliminary drawing

Pencil drawing
12" x 8'

I recently began a painting of Jo (another of my class members), but decided to abandon the painting in favour of a preliminary drawing instead. The painting wasn't achieving enough of a likeness and I felt I wasn't getting anywhere fast! So in order to fathom what was eluding me in the painting, I made an exploratory drawing. Preliminary drawings are always a valuable way of making discoveries and extracting information about your subject. I'm reasonably happy with this outcome, having moved closer to an accurate likeness and also managing to express a little of her individuality. I will now return to the painting and try to push it in the right direction!  

Friday, 22 March 2013

'Alexander' so far

8" x 8"
oil on board

Phew...this portrait has been the trickiest yet! I've pushed it, pulled it, wiped it out, wiped it out again...arghhh! Finally this afternoon, I have arrived at this stage and feel I'm at last getting somewhere and am happy to leave it at this point i.e. while I'm winning!  Happy weekend to all!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Portrait of 'Giles' finished!

10" x 12"
oil on board

I managed to complete 'Giles' this afternoon, though things didn't go quite to plan as I ran out of light AGAIN before he was ready to photograph. So this is another photo taken in artificial light. If you compare this finished version to stage 2 in yesterday's post, you'll see that I've altered the shape of the face slightly. I decided it was too chunky with the chin too square. I also strengthened some of the dark values and added a little coolness to the shadow areas. With 'Giles' finished I'm ready to start the next one tomorrow! 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

'Giles' Stage 2

Stage 2 is complete and I'm reasonably satisfied with the brushwork but I need to strengthen some of the tonal values in places. I changed my palette slightly for this painting and exchanged cadmium red for rose madder. Rose madder is cooler than cadmium red but it suited the flesh tones I wanted to achieve. My camera hasn't picked up the warmth of the skin tones so well but tomorrow I'll take a photo in daylight...of the completed portrait if all goes to plan!

Monday, 18 March 2013

Portrait of 'Giles' stage 1

10' x 12'
oil on board

Can't seem to stop painting portraits at the moment! This is Giles, my next victim! Stage 1 completed this afternoon. I'm happy with it thus far and will carry on tomorrow. I came across an interesting video today that I thought you might like to watch. It discusses the masterful brushwork of John Singer Sargent. The video is a must for anyone interested in alla prima painting. 

The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit by John Singer Sargent

Thursday, 14 March 2013

'Dan' finished!

10" x 12"
oil on board

This is Dan's portrait finished, or at least I think it's finished. I'll check it out again tomorrow and see if anything jumps out at me...sometimes you can look so hard and for so long that you cease to 'see'. The ear that I was so pleased with in stage 2...I had to paint over!!! I discovered the face was too narrow...why do these things take so long to register sometimes! I often say to members of my class, 'You've done it once, you can do it again!' So I had to put into practice what I preach and moved it over to the left a bit! 

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

'Dan' Stage 2

10" x 12"
oil on board

Back from Cumbria and began working on stage 2 this afternoon. I'm liking the way it's going...I'm particularly happy with the ear!!  I'm not going to do alot more to the painting, just add a little more definition here and there. I don't want to risk over-statement and lose the liveliness of the marks or the way the head seems to be emerging from the surface. One of the difficulties of making a painting is knowing when the piece is finished and not to go past that point when it becomes 'too' resolved and begins to die. Hopefully, this one will survive!!

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Next portrait

10" x 12"
oil on board

I started another portrait on Thursday but I'm not happy with this stage yet. I haven't quite captured enough of the likeness so will continue to work on it. At the moment though I'm literally on the point of departing to Cumbria for the weekend. Be back on Tuesday. Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

'Dawn' finished

This is 'Dawn' finished. I hope you like it Dawn! No painting now until Thursday :-(  I have a teaching day tomorrow...a painting class in the morning with my brilliant Wednesday group who rise to any challenge I throw at them and my regular monthly life drawing session in the afternoon. :) Thursday I will be back in the studio ready to start the next portrait!  

Monday, 4 March 2013

'Dawn' Stage 2

8" x 8"
oil on board

My portraits seem to be following a pattern, preliminary stage - mapping in the values, main stage - colour, last stage - adjusting. I've decided I prefer yellow ochre to raw sienna for flesh tones it gives a brighter mix. I have more friends to paint when 'Dawn' is finished. Oh my!...I believe this might be evolving into yet another series! 

Sunday, 3 March 2013

First stage of my next portrait

8" x 8"
oil on board

This is a 'short and sweet' post as it's already 7.45pm and I really really need to go cook dinner! But before I do I just wanted to show you the piece I started today. It's a portrait of Dawn who is another of my lovely kind friends who is allowing me to paint her. This stage took around two hours.
And now........better get into the kitchen and get some food on the go!